We have fun T-Shirts for sale on Amazon!
One of our chorus members designed us some fun shirts to show off our TCC spirit. Check them out and get your own.
Past Shows
Take a look at some of our past shows, and be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming performances in winter, spring and summer. Visit us on Facebook for even more photos and videos.
Spring 2023 - Songs of Travel
Pictures coming soon. Until then, here’s the recording of our show.
Winter Concert 2022
Summer Scenes 2022
Summer Cabaret 2022
Spring 2022
Winter 2021
Cabaret Fundraiser 2021

Spring 2021
Winter 2020
Winter Concert 2019
For the last few winters our concerts have been packed at the Thornton Arts and Cultural center, but this winter our chorus grew in size (we had 35 members!), which meant we had to find a new venue. The Northglenn Christian Church was gracious and allowed us to use their chapel rent free! We are very thankful to them. We are also so excited about our amazing turn out of over 130 patrons. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us. Our concert theme was “On a December Night” and featured traditional and non traditional Christmas and non Christmas music. It was a blast to perform!
Cabaret Fundraiser 2019
This was our 3rd annual cabaret night and it just keeps getting bigger. We had 13 musical numbers, 2 choral pieces, dancing, live instrumental and a fun time! For our patrons who came, thank you for supporting us! Without you we couldn’t continue doing what we do.
Spring Concert 2019 - Songs of Us
For this spring’s concert we had a chance to learn a little more about one another and our heritage. Our songs featured many of the different cultures that make up our unique group.
Christmas 2018
Our Christmas concert, “The Wonder of Christmas,” had a strong turn out and we had a ton of fun singing our hearts out. If you missed our last concert, be on the lookout for our spring concert in April.
Jeremy singing his solo at the local brewery.
Three of our sopranos (Stacia, Destiny & Angela) having a blast singing at Covenant Village Colorado.
Married couple Ryan & Angela singing a love song to one another at our Cabaret Fundraiser Night 2018.
"Only Us" from Dear Evan Hansen performed by another married couple, Jeff & Britney, at our most recent Cabaret Fundraiser Night.
Listening to songs during our Cabaret rehearsal 2018.
The choir singing during our first annual Cabaret Fundraiser Night in 2017.
Kawika singing a song from The Secret Garden during our first annual Cabaret Fundraiser Night in 2017.
"Old Devil Moon" performed by Kawika, Gary, Rachel and Britney at our 2018 Spring Concert
Our choir, led by our Director Emeritus. Spring Concert 2018.